Non-Accidental Injury Cases

Case Name Represented Party Issue Outcome


Re M children (2009) Mother Non – Accidental injury to a disabled child namely fractures on both legs, both parents accused of causing Injury. Child returned to parental care after successful parenting assessment and representations.


Re M children (2009) Father Non- Accidental Injury, involving Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) which proved fatal, both parents were blamed initially and three siblings of deceased child removed from parental care. Children returned to the care of the father as no findings made against him due to extensive evidence obtained by his legal team to challenge the local authority.
Re G children (2009) Mother Non- Accidental Injury namely a subdural Haematoma, bite mark and a fracture caused by the father. Children returned home to care of mother and father.
Re A children (2010) Father Non-Accidental Injury namely bruising, unexplained marks on a child including marks from a belt and cable tidy caused by the father. Children returned to the care of the mother and father.
Re H children ( 2010) Mother Non- Accidental Injury, involving SBS in respect of baby who suffered life changing injuries, many in the pool of perpetrators including mother. Child returned to mother’s care as medical evidence was challenged successfully.
Re A children ( 2011) Mother Non- Accidental Injury of disabled child by poisoning both parents and large extended family who shared the home with the child were amongst possible perpetrators. Child returned to parental care as findings made against paternal aunt.
Re J child (2011) Mother Non- Accidental Injury namely a burn to a 1 year old. Child returned to the care of the mother.
Re S children (2012) Father Non-Accidental Injury namely bruising and unexplained marks on a child caused by the father. Children returned to the care of the mother and father.
Re P child (2013) Father Non-Accidental Injury namely bruising and unexplained marks on a child caused by mother and partner. Child placed with maternal grandparents, which the father supported.
Re H children (2014) Mother Non-Accidental Injury namely bruising and unexplained marks on a child caused by parents. Children returned to the care of the mother and father.
Re A children (2015) Mother Non-Accidental Injury namely a fracture Children returned home to the care of the mother.
Re H children (2016) Mother Non – Accidental Injury namely a fracture on a 3 week old baby Ongoing but children placed in the interim with the grandparents, parents have contact daily supervised by the grandparents.